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Chase the Vision, Not the Money

Retirement Planning Step 2: Chase the Vision, Not the Money

On the 62nd episode of the Retirement Explained show, we’re discussing the second step of creating a financial plan for retirement: where do you want to be?

Whenever we work with clients, we have to answer three questions: Where are you today? Where Do you want to be? How can you get there?

Unfortunately it’s common for financial planners to not an established process for helping their clients identify where they want to be in the future. It’s expected that clients know where they want to go in the future so that we (financial advisors) can crunch the numbers.

A couple of years ago I created the Retirement Vision Guide and began using it with clients and on today’s episode I’m discussing it as well as five questions I want you to be able to answer as you think about your life and what the future holds.

I hope you enjoy.


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Chase the Vision, Not the Money RasmussenAdvisors.com