How We Work Together

Risk Number® Technology

Taking the guesswork out of your financial future


As part of our financial planning process, we use Riskalyze because we believe it’s award-winning technology that was built on a scientific framework that won the Nobel Prize for Economics helps ensure the financial advice we give helps your portfolio works in concert with your investment goals and expectations.




Why We Use Risk Number®


Risk Number® Technology allows us to assess your risk tolerance with precision and accuracy. Using inaccurate and subjective terms like “low”, “medium”, and ”high” risk are a thing of the past!

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Step 1: Identify Your Risk Score


By filling out a short questionnaire, Nitrogen’s Risk Number® software assigns you a Risk Number between 1 and 99 that we can use to understand your comfort with risk.

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Step 2: Assess Your Portfolio


Once you have your Risk Score, we can assess the amount of risk you are taking in your portfolio and compare with your Risk Score.

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Step 3: Re-Align Your Portfolio


If your portfolio is out of alignment, don’t worry! We can easily re-align your portfolio so it’s exactly in line with your Risk Score.

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 Get Started

Talk with an Advisor

Start with a free and no-pressure consultation with one of our fiduciary financial advisors.

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